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Sulemani Akik is a Semi Precious Gemstone used by many astrologers to nullify the evil effects of Rahu and Ketu.

It is Black in Color with or without very little line/lines visible on it. 
It is said to avert the Evil Eye, improves Physical and Mental Health. A great stone for very sincere hard working people.

It is believed that Sulemani Akik Stone strengthens hair, heart, kidney, eye, nails and nerve. 
Also, it helps one with insomnia aka problem with sleep.

This Stone eliminates stress, neurological disorders and apathy. 
It helps in removing negative thoughts and sharpening wit. 
It helps in controlling emotions and passions and also inspires spiritually.

The one who wears Sulemani Akik Stone enjoys fortified self-confidence, responsibility and sharpened senses. 
An Sulemani Akik Stone wearer has the comprehensive power to analyze things first before reacting.

Sulemaani Pathar is highly recommended for people in politics. 
It instills a refreshed confidence in life and love. 
Sulemani Akik Stone is the most recommended Sulemani Akik Stone to be worn as a ring or pendent.

Sulemani Akik Stone is considered as Holy Stone and it provides you the intution of the future and provides you protection agains the bad dreams. 

Agate/Sulemani Hakik/Akik is a semiprecious gemstone , which is primarily used as a healing stone. 
This Stone is considered as the gemstone, for luck.
The growing fashion of the jewellery in the market has resulted to an increased demand of this stone. 

Sulemani Akik Stone strengthens hair, heart, kidney, eye, nails and nerve. 
It is also good for those suffering from body pains, pain in legs.

It can be worn by men for financial luck, good health, and for those interested in spiritual attainments.

Sulemani Akik Stone is considered as Holy Stone and it provides you the intution of the future and provides you protection agains the bad dreams.

Hakeek Beads Rosary in Black and red is also available.
The benefit of Aqeeq is that it creates joy in the heart, is good for eyesight and it helps illuminate sadness and anger. 

It absorbs the rays of the sun and passes these onto the body and is good for health.
Black Aqeeq protects children from envious eyes. 

Sulemani Akik Stonehelps one to sleep. Sulemani Akik Stone eliminates stress, neurological disorders and apathy.

It helps in removing negative thoughts and sharpening wit. 
It helps in controlling emotions and passions and also inspires spiritually.

Healthy egotism is also encouraged by wearing Onyx.

Sulemaani Pathar has a direct effect on the center of skeletal system. 

It helps in supporting the external desires with internal strength. 
With onyx, one becomes the orchestrator of his/her individual future and recognizes strengths and utilizes them to best interests.

Grief is banished and mental calm is attained. Healthy egotism is also encouraged by wearing Onyx. 

Sulemani Stone has a direct effect on the center of skeletal system. 
It helps in supporting the external desires with internal strength.

With onyx, one becomes the orchestrator of his/her individual future and recognizes strengths and utilizes them to best interests. Grief is banished and mental calm is attained.

Sulemani Akik Stone wearer has the comprehensive power to analyze things first before reacting. 
Sulemani Stone is highly recommended for people in politics and services.

It instills a refreshed confidence in life and love. It is the most recommended Sulemani Akik Stone to be worn as a ring or pendent.
Natural Gemstone & Spiritual Products


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